Episode 47 – Visualization + Imagination

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Hello again witches, seekers, and friends, and welcome to The Fat Feminist Witch Podcast, the show where we do a little ranting, raving, and wand-waving. I’m your host, Paige, and together we are going to explore magic and spirituality, social justice, the psychic realm, and most importantly – our imagination.

In today’s episode I’m talking about that totally ambiguous, but vitally important word in magical practice – VISUALIZATION. Despite it being a core part of the spell casting,  magic, or manifestation process many of us still struggle to actually do it. Some people just can’t visualize, right? WRONG. Also, just for fun, I thought we’d look at some magic rocks that all come from or connect us to imaginary places that we can use in our very real magical practice.

The Book referenced a million times in this episode is Holistic Energy Magic by Tess Whitehurst, which I very highly recommend.

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Instagram: FatFeministWitch
Pinterest: FatFemnistWitch
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As always the opening and closing track is Back To The 90s (Douglas Mulvey AKA D-REX) / CC BY 4.0)

One thought on “Episode 47 – Visualization + Imagination

  1. I wrote out a long comment and now I’m not sure if it’s posted because WordPress had a panic! If it hasn’t posted the long and short of it was thank you for this episode as it was amazing and totally changed my perspective! Huge impact!


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